Wednesday, May 4, 2011

How to Bargain Shop

Francesca's Collections
Saving is this years hot trend!
The government consensus report stated that in 2009 there was $3.2 billion drop in woman’s clothing sales since 2006. Both discount and department stores are feeling this crunch. During this time in the economic dip there is still no reason to wear last years fashions.
Rules to follow:

1.Buy things you can wear again.
2Always have key timeless pieces.
3. Do your research.
4. Look up knockoffs or designers for trendy pieces.
5. Know return/price adjustment policies. (Some stores will allow give you money back if you bought something that goes on sale right after you purchased it.)

“You can find things at affordable prices just about anywhere you look,” said Kirsten Starlett, Nordstrom Personal Shopper. “Knock offs are one of the easiest things you can do, they're the same thing! This department (Point of View in Nordstrom) has so many knock offs of designer clothes but nowhere near the price.”

Basically the only places that you want to buy it if you love it would be stores like Forever 21 and H&M because they have so much product and it sells quickly so things rarely go on sale in bulk.
A survey I conducted on Facebook said 58.3 percent of women 18-24 spend $100 or more in one shopping trip which for 80 percent of them is just for fun. Today more college students than ever are paying for their own education. So, on those shopping trips, you want to get the most for your money.

H&M Mannequins- all outfits under $50
“When I have the time to shop I want to have fun and get some good stuff,” said Dillon.

One of the key things to bargain shopping is to find pieces that can go with different outfits. Then look at the mannequins in stores windows! Many times they will show their best pieces and how to wear them. Also, they come at price points so places like Forever 21 will make an outfit for under $50.

“My mom taught me to put outfits together,” said Amber Lutz,19. “So, when I first started shopping on my own I was spending ALL this money on things I will wear once together! Now, I’ve figured out that is such a waste of time and money. I just buy what I like and figure out what to do with it later.”

“I have a personal rule of thumb,” said Kristin Diehl,22. “I never buy anything that I can't figure out a way to wear again.”

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Westboro Baptist Church V. Ft. Meade

This morning members of the Westboro Baptist Church clashed against hundreds of counter-protesters at Fort Meade High School.

“This is crazy!” said Meade High school alumni Tamara Withers. “I was definitely expecting people but not like this; there are hundreds of people everywhere!”

The WBC is known for its anti-gay and anti-war protesting. They recently won a battle with the Supreme Court for exercising their First Amendment Rights while picketing soldiers funerals. The church consisting of an estimated 80 members is in Topeka, Kan.

Hundreds of people gathered in support of the troops to protest against the WBC. Police swarmed the area of a local CVS where counter protesters stood outside in the parking lot across from the high school; they covered the streets, flew in helicopters and held back the crowds.

The WBC carried signs saying “God Hates America” and “God Hates Fags.”

Counter protesters made up of veterans, gays and lesbians, religious people dressed up as The Pope and Jesus, motorcyclists, and students all gathered to form a band against the WBC. They carried signs saying “I Love Soldiers I Love Gays I love God.” They dressed up and shouted at the five people who stood shouting striking words on the other side of a police guarded street.

Due to the police guarding the protests reporters were unable to speak to the WBC members.

“God hates fags and their enablers; thus, God hates America and America is Doomed as in her destruction is imminent,” said the WBC in a press release. “God will never again bless this nation; she will have only curses all the time. Come out from among her and DO NOT PARTAKE OF HER SINS! Repent and obey TODAY!”

“I lived at this base for six years,” said counter-protestor Melissa Gray. “I have friends and family here and these people here presuming to know God and what he wants. God is about love.”

The WBC left after protesting for half an hour. The crowds of protesters left victoriously cheering, blasting music and uplifting one another.

“These people aren't serving [the country] at all,” said Gray. “They're going to exile themselves eventually. Were here to support the troops.”

Those five people caused hundreds of people to come out to carry signs, dress up and shout back in defense. Police swarmed the area; they flew in helicopters, stood on every street corner, conducted piles of traffic and blocked the street between the WBC and counter-protesters.

For people who say that "God hates the media," they sure do use the media all they can. Without us, there would be no mass hysteria. Frankly, I wouldn't know who they were. They are making their own image and using things like Press Releases to make their presence known. This was not a note left on a doorstep this was a release sent out BY THEM to gain media attention and let their cause be heard.

Without Media they would be nowhere but standing on an empty street corner by themselves getting quarters tossed into their coffee. Without soldiers fighting for their freedom they wouldn't have the luxury of speaking their minds.

Wbc protesters

WBC protesters
Wbc protesters

Westboro Baptist Church Website: Press Release for Meade high school protest

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

AACC Students Speak about Gay Marriage Legalized in Maryland

67 percent of Anne Arundel Community College students believe that gay marriage should be legal in Maryland.

“They deserve the same rights as everyone else” said Brian Stockwell, freshman at AACC.

An informal poll taken this morning proved that only 33 percent of students agree with the bill that is currently sitting at the House of Representatives after being passed in the Senate on Feb 24. 

Opposing students believe that it is against religion to have a marriage other than a man and woman. While approving students accept the bill with open arms because they believe the bill will either not effect anything or just give more freedom to the gay and lesbian community.

Today’s hearing was postponed until tomorrow. In this time six openly gay delegates made a written appeal to their colleagues to urge them to pass the high profile legislation. Gov. Martin O’Malley said he will sign the bill if the legislation passes.

“A gay marriage law will ‘“secure for our families the protections that marriage – and only marriage – provides to loving and committed couples who have pledged to spend the rest of their lives together”’ Said the delegates, according to the Washington Post.

Alex Paroden believes and practices his Catholic faith stating that he’s not for gay marriage because “it could cause the church to restructure their own ways to accept the new laws.”

Paroden is not concerned about the act but the effects it would have on the community and that the pressure would force the church to change its ways to accept these new laws.

Micheal Glober states that gay marriage is not a part of his religious beliefs and does not have a place in his church. 

                                                  Michael Glober, Sophomore                                     
As for tomorrow and the vote on Friday, majority rules and AACC is pro gay marriage.

“It’s about them, not the politics” said Amanda Glover and Sam Ross, openly lesbian freshman students. 

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

US news outlet V. Algeria

I looked at and Fox news and what I have found is that Aljezerra covered the Egyptian situation as it was happening. They found new news and explained what was happening while it was happening. Fox on the other hand (although I watch this on a normal basis) only covered certain spectacles. They found one piece of news and I felt like they beat it to death. They used the same video clip or audio to explain one source of happening for long periods of time while they were waiting for  new information. Aljezerra on the other hand told the news in action. They were live the whole time and told the story as it was happening with new live pictures and audio while it was going with continuous coverage. They were much easier to understand and with all the new information Aljezerra was there to cover the new information.
Fox though a great news station did not have the information or source that Aljezerra has. I feel like Egypt was very well covered by Algezerra.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Kim Walter

            May 29, 2011 is the date!
Kim Walter will become Mrs. Cris Stephens at Disney Worlds Wedding Pavilion in Florida. Her dress is an all white, heart shaped bust, with rose petals twisting down to her waist. The corseted back flows down to her sandal covered feet. “Its Fla. so I’m thinking about flats or sandals because it’s beachy and I’m already so tall!” she says.
                Walter is a 20 year old student at Anne Arundel Community College studying elementary education. She grew up in a number of places but she calls Baltimore her home. She graduated high school at Saint Mary’s in Annapolis.
Walter went to school for a few years in Florida until the middle of high school when she came to Maryland to finish. She then moved back to Fla. where she studied at Rollins College. Recently, she came home to Maryland to take care of her Father who has been in and out of the hospital.
                Although she is studying to be a teacher her dream is to own a bakery shop. “I love to bake, it’s just fun.” Walter plans on opening her bakery with friend Paul. “Then, eventually later in life after I have my own kids I will like to get into teaching. I figure I may as well get the degree now because I know I will eventually do it.”
Walter and Stephens are excited about planning their wedding and new life together in Florida. Walter is currently deciding where she would like to finish out the remainder of her college years either at Towson University or back in Florida.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

State of the Union Address Breakdown

State of the Union Address Breakdown

 The fox analysis of the State of the Union adress President Obama gave today was fair. They did say that Obama avoided subjects such as Guantanamo Bay and Gun control which is true since these have been hot subjects this week.
Obama spoke mostly about the tax cuts to the corporate and proposing his freeze for spending for five years in an effort to get down the debt.  He was objective in the way that he spent many minutes of his speech talking about the debt and how he will be spending.
They spoke of when Representative Paul Ryan spoke of repealing President Obama's Health Care Bill and how Obama did not want to speak of it. Republicans are trying to repeal the bill and would like to have it changed. Former New Mexico Gov. Gary Johnson was concerned about Obama's avoidance on the subject. Johnson was very fair he spoke about concerns about being bankrupt and the government debt. Obama spoke about how the debt would not affect Senior Citizens but Johnson seems to be skeptic. Johnson believes they will be getting checks but they will be "empty checks... it will be money but will not be able to buy a damn thing."
The Fox analysis on the State of the Union address was fair and balanced. They gave as much positive attention as concern from the thing in which he spoke about and stressed their concerns for the thing in which Obama avoided in his speech.